相关研究成果以“Assessment of the Conformation Stability and Glycosylation Heterogeneity of Lactoferrin by Native Mass Spectrometry”为题,于近日发表于食品领域顶级期刊Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry。该工作的共同第一作者是我组联合培养硕士研究生慕宇和工程师赵姗。该项目获得国家自然科学基金、呼和浩特科技计划、国家乳业技术创新中心开放基金的资助。(文/图 慕宇)
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the nMS characterization of the conformation stability and glycosylation heterogeneity of LTF.
Figure 2. NMS characterization of LTF1 (A), MW measurement after deconvolution (B), distribution of different N-glycans in LTF1 (C), and compositions of the three site-specific glycan combinations matching the most abundant LTF1 form (m/z 4138.72) in nMS (D).
Figure 3. NMS spectra of LTF1, LTF2, and LTF3 (A); the charge state distributions and proteoform patterns (B); the combinations of top 3 potential glycan structures of the dominant LTF forms in nMS (C); the distribution of different N-glycan types (D); and the potential structures of degraded glycans from LTF1 and LTF3 (E)
Figure 4. NMS spectra of LTF1, LTF2, and LTF3 under transient high-temperature treatment conditions of 72 °C for 15 s and 100 °C for 10 s (A); quantitative peak intensities (B) and antimicrobial activities (C) of LTF1, LTF2, and LTF3 under different treatments. The three LTF samples against E. coli were measured at 50 mg/mL. * when p < 0.05 and ** when p < 0.01.